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Sustainability Development Goals

I was very excited to discuss the topic of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as I have previously incorporated them in a Grade 4/5...

Teacher Education

During my practicum, I encountered many different approaches to working with students with special needs. My first practicum experience...

Small Project #2: Temple Grandin

Autism can be described as a “neurodevelopmental disorder that affects the way the brain works” (Government of Ontario, 2019). The range...

Assistive Technology

One way that we can support students with differentiation in the classroom is through the use of assistive technology (AT). The Ministry...

In School Response Team

The article published in Education Week argues that “general educators and special educators have a joint responsibility to ensure that...

Special Education Policy

“There is much happening in schools, nations, and regions around the world, with respect to special education…however, the extent and...

Contemporary Classroom

In Ontario, educators are required to recognize the demographics of the contemporary classroom as there are a growing number of students...

Child Protection

The Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs explores the perspectives of various stakeholders involved in the protection of...

Film Review: I Am Sam

I Am Sam (2001) accurately displays the challenges and barriers that individuals with special needs encounter on a daily basis. The movie...

Parental Rights

Research indicates that student achievement improves when parents are meaningfully involved in the life of the school (The School...

Children's Rights

“Rights” are things every child should have or be able to do and all children have the same rights as outlined in the UN Convention of...

Legal Challenges in Special Education

The legal challenges regarding special education can become overwhelming due to the complexity of the law. For example, we are expected...

Vaccines and Autism

The following is a creative article review related to vaccines and autism. The article can be found here: https://www.historyofvaccines.o...

Prerequisites to Successful Inclusion

A recommendation that resonated with me was that as educators, “we choose instructional approaches on the basis of reliable empirical...

Myths and Misconceptions

Kauffman and Pullen (1996) argue that a myth is distinguished from reality by its overgeneralization, distortion, or misplacement of...

Report on Inclusive Attitudes

The following is my reflection upon reading a report on inclusive attitudes. The report can be found here:

History of Special Education

Prior to the mid 1980’s, most services were delivered outside of the regular classroom. I was surprised to learn that the Ministry of...

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