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"The best teachers are those who tell you where to look, but don't tell you what to see."

- Alexandra K.Trenfor 

The best teachers are the ones who will tell you where to look, but not what to see. 

- Alexandra K. Trenfor 


I believe the spark that ignited my progression to being a teacher was founded on my perceived weaknesses in my youth. Math was always challenging for me in elementary school. It was so difficult that I began to believe that I was inherently "bad at math." What I have grown to understand is that math, and learning in general, is not stagnant, but rather it is a process. Acknowledging weaknesses is an integral part of learning, but it is far more important to consider these weaknesses in the context of the individual, and thereby develop an action plan that inspires success, perseverance and self-worth.  


I am in my final year at Lakehead University's Faculty of Education program (graduating June 2019) and it's hard to believe that I am now preparing my teaching applications! I have had the privilege of working with some incredible educators who inspired me daily. My journey, including school-based and community placements, have given me fuel that reinforce my decision that teaching was the right career choice. The most enjoyable part of each experience was the remarkable growth exhibited by each student, reaffirming to me that I had made a difference.


I will be a successful teacher who enables all students to reach high levels of achievement. As I grow professionally and with my students, I believe that I will remain current. Upon graduation, I aspire to further my qualifications by applying to a Masters' Degree Program. I want to foster a positive disposition towards math in my classroom by encouraging students to think outside the box while having a growth mindset. I want to introduce new technologies to the classroom, and teach students how to incorporate them into their daily routines in meaningful and useful ways. 

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