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Report on Inclusive Attitudes

The following is my reflection upon reading a report on inclusive attitudes. The report can be found here:

The research study conducted by Lien Foundation (2016) reveals a “large gap in ideological support for inclusiveness for children with special needs and our actions”. The study suggests that 71% of Singaporeans are supportive of the idea of inclusive education and yet, only 10% claim to be comfortable with interacting with students with special needs (Lien Foundation, 2016, p.26). The results of the study indicate that the main cause for low acceptance is the lack of interaction between children with special needs and the general public. Overgeneralization, stereotypes and intolerance all stem from a lack of understanding about one another. Unfortunately, this case describes a population that is eager to do better but hasn’t necessarily been given the opportunity.  When I consider the provision of inclusive education in Ontario, I am thankful to participate in debunking the myths of special education and take pride in educating students, parents and colleagues on various exceptionalities. I think this study demonstrates the importance of inclusive education as well as highlights the overall theme of acceptance. It made me think beyond students with special needs and consider those with various cultural backgrounds. Being an educator today is so much more than teaching curriculum and includes being culturally responsive and inclusive to ensure that all students feel welcomed.

The study also made me consider the participants age and how a similar study may be received here in Ontario if we were focused on the experiences of early childhood, education and daily life. Last week we considered the history of education and how far we have come but there are many people in Ontario who remain ill-informed about special education. I am curious to know, what are some ways that you demonstrate inclusiveness outside of the classroom?


Lien Foundation Org. (2016). Inclusive attitudes survey part: views from the general public. Retrieved from

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