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Contemporary Classroom

In Ontario, educators are required to recognize the demographics of the contemporary classroom as there are a growing number of students with diverse abilities. The Ministry of Education (2013) suggests that inclusion is “not only the practice of placing students with special needs in the regular classroom but ensuring that teachers assist every student to prepare for the highest degree of independence possible” (p.2). As a society and within education, we are shifting paradigms. We are moving away from focusing on an individual's limitations and moving towards recognizing disability as a social construct, with the focus on proactively removing barriers. Accessibility means that we take reasonable efforts to provide our teaching and learning in a way that respects the dignity, independence, integration and equality of opportunity of all students, including students with disabilities. The concept of Universal Instructional Design, which places the needs of the least independently able students in mind, is the driving force behind all of my lessons. I feel that it is the most effective way to ensure that instruction and learning is accessible to all students. In my opinion, it is crucial to understand students’ previous knowledge and to teach with their interests in mind, as a way of creating an accessible teaching and learning environment for a diverse population of learners. Reflect on your own instructional strategies and think about how they might impact those with a learning disability. Do they meet the demands of the contemporary classroom?

 The implementation of technology can benefit all students including those with special needs when used appropriately. When teaching 21st century learners, I think it's important to promote the use of technology in the classroom but I feel that educators need to be strategic to ensure that it does not hinder the learning experience. In my experience, technology can also present challenges to students. For example, students who rely heavily on their assistive technology are unable to complete work when the internet is down (a frequent occurrence in some school boards).

In what ways do you incorporate the use of technology and how does it benefit students' learning? 


Ministry of Education. (2013). Learning for all: a guide to effective assessment and instruction for all students, kindergarten to Grade 12. Retrieved from:

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