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Throughout my education, I have had many opportunities to reflect on my experiences and further develop my teaching philosophy. Working in both urban and suburban school districts has put me in a strong position to enable all students to reach high levels of achievement. I was encouraged to learn more about how educators can develop a culturally responsive pedagogy to increase the success of their students. My philosophy of teaching is built upon the knowledge gained from a personal inquiry. 
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 How is cultural diversity valued within the context of a Canadian school system?  

I believe that students learn best when they can connect what they’re learning with something they already know or have experienced. That’s how we, as humans, build meaning and understanding. As a female educator of european descent, who is middle class and english speaking, it will be very important for me to be aware of other teachers’ perceptions, as well as students’ families, immigration histories, interests, activities, strengths, and concerns. By facilitating and engaging in collaborative inquiries with other teachers, I can begin to obtain a wealth of knowledge about cultural diversity and what students bring to the teaching and learning processes. 

In order to ensure that all students feel safe, welcomed and accepted, and inspired to succeed in a culture of high expectations for learning, schools, and classrooms must be responsive to culture. Embracing a culturally relevant pedagogy will effectively serve the needs of all students and support student success. The Ministry of Education advocates for a community of learners where each student is recognized by his or her classmates and teachers as a valued and contributing member, to enhance a positive social-emotional environment that fosters success. Today’s classroom should provide an interface where individuals from several different cultural backgrounds have the potential for sharing a rich place of learning–a place where the teacher embraces and celebrates individual differences, fosters the development of positive self-concepts, provides meaningful and relevant learning experiences, and insists on high expectations for everyone sharing that intersection.


I believe that classroom management, planning, and assessment are interconnected. Below you will find strategies for a holistic approach to culturally responsive teaching related to all areas.


Culturally Responsive Teaching and

the OCT Standards of Practice

Commitment to Students and Student Learning - Understanding that students are more actively engaged in the learning process when they can connect their personal experiences to the information being taught. 

Professional Knowledge - Educators should see the curriculum as flexible and adaptive to the lived experiences of students so they see themselves and their lives reflected in daily learning opportunities. 

Professional Practice - Assessment should be fair, inclusive and authentic. Instructional strategies that increase understanding and appreciation for multiple perspectives is important to ensure students feel valued. 

Leadership in Learning Communities - Enabling students to develop a positive self-concept can be achieved by planning opportunities for students to help one another. 

Ongoing Professional Learning - Whole school approach - collaborate with teachers, students, families, and the community to promote ongoing learning on cultural diversity. Growth mindset that enables educators to work creatively and effectively to support all students in diverse settings.


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