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In School Response Team

The article published in Education Week argues that “general educators and special educators have a joint responsibility to ensure that children with special needs receive an appropriate education, not only on paper but in actual fact” (Alter et al., 2019). The Council for Exceptional Children emphasize that “special education must provide an administrative organization to facilitate achievement for children with exceptionalities of the same educational goals as those pursued by other children” (Special Education in the Schools).Teachers work as part of a multidisciplinary, collaborative team with other professionals. In TDSB, the purpose of the in-school support team is to provide initial support to a struggling student through collaboration among staff within the school” (Toronto District School Board, 2015). The in-school support team will collaborate to develop an action plan of intervention strategies and if required, a referral will be made to the school support team which consists of school administration, resource teacher, psychology, social work, attendance counselling, speech-language pathology etc. (Toronto District School Board, 2015). Parents are always encouraged to participate in meetings with the school support team. This expanded team offers additional knowledge, experience and expertise with the aim of increasing student success through an overall effectiveness of the intervention process.


Alter, M., Gottlieb, M., & Gottlieb, J. (2019, February 20). Four Ways Schools Fail Special Education Students. Retrieved from

Toronto District School Board. (2015). Special Education In-School Support Team and School Support Team Brochure 2015-2016. Toronto , ON.

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