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The main goal of assessment is to improve student learning. The use of assessment for the purpose of improving learning and helping students become independent learners requires a culture in which student and teacher learn together in a collaborative relationship, each playing an active role in setting learning goals, developing success criteria, giving and receiving feedback, monitoring progress, and adjusting learning strategies. Assessment should be aligned with students’ life experiences and culturally-based responses. In doing so, teachers can ensure that assessment is fair, inclusive, and authentic.  


Assessment should be:

  • Carefully planned to relate to the curriculum expectations and learning goals

  • Related to the interests, learning styles and preferences, needs, and experiences of all students

  • Communicated clearly to students and parents at the beginning of the school year and various points throughout.

  • Set goals with students and work towards achieving those personal milestones.

  • Ongoing descriptive feedback linked specifically to the learning goals and success criteria is a powerful tool for improving student learning and is fundamental to building a culture of learning within the classroom. 


Triangulation of Assessment 

Products - open-ended projects where students have autonomy of choice on how they demonstrate what they know is important. Reflections, for example, may provide insight into a student’s heart and mind. 

Observations - students should have opportunities to learn from each other and develop tolerance through various perspectives.

Conversations - informal discussions on specific topics may help reinforce different perspectives. Formal conferences with students can also help teachers better understand how a student conceptualizes information based on their lived experiences. 




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