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My first internship challenged me both personally and professionally. I learned  to accept humility in certain situations and go with the flow. I also realized that it takes a lot of time to plan a lesson and prepare for class every single day which has significant impacts on personal life. I had to learn to prioritize and plan ahead to ensure that I had a positive work life balance.

I have grown professionally by gaining a wealth of knowledge that I did not have prior to participating in this internship. Understanding the curriculum and what is expected of these students has helped me build a foundation to teach upon. Learning about IEP’s and how to address them helped me understand students with behavioural disabilities and talents. 

Science ...

Students spent the day working on catapults for their science rotary class. Assessment was based n measuring the distance of a marshmallow as well as bonus points for style! The photo shows students making the catapults in class and testing them in the hall before the final round. 

Language ...

I had the opportunity to teach the students Russian as part of a morning minds on activity. I would write a phrase on the board and students would try to guess what it translated to. I then wrote how to pronounce it in English and students would try and pronounce the word. This always got the students engaged and excited. It was heartwarming to have the students say goodbye in Russian on my final day! 

Geography ...

Students have an interactive day learning about different economic systems using multi-coloured beads. Students are given a set of instructions about what they have to create and at then I explained how they all reflect a different type of economy. 

Math ...

Students are encouraged to create resources in the middle of a unit to demonstrate their learning thus far. This helps the teacher evaluate what they know and gives students an opportunity to collaborate with peers about their thinking.

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