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Why is it important to teach
students about First Nations?
It is crucial to teach students about First Nations people because they need to be educated on the histories and perspectives as well as current events associated with the culture. Some important ways to implement First Nations into the classroom are: 
1. Educating students on residential schools 
2. Using restorative practice 
3. Studying cultural artwork (E.g. Norval Morriseau)
4. Storytelling
This will increase the knowledge and awareness among all students. 
Incorporating Cultural Artwork
One way to incorporate Aboriginal Artwork into the curriculum is to have the students study the artwork and lifestyle of famous artist, Norval Morrisseau. Also known as Copper Thunderbird, the Aboriginal artist rose to fame in the 1960s when he developed the unique painting style known as the Woodland School. Morrisseau was also a student at a Residential school in Thunder Bay, and much of his artwork is influenced by his personal experience there.
Art Lesson:

In this lesson students worked with crayons, pastels and/or markers to create a reflection of themselves in abstract artwork using the conventions of Norval Morrisseau. During this lesson, students will extend their understanding of the key fundamental concepts of colour, line, and shape. Students will imagine ways to convey their intended message, by developing line/colour/emotion associations and reflecting on the design choices they included in their own work. Students will also build on their prior knowledge of colour selections using colour wheel by combining complementary colours, analogous or earth tones.
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