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Hello! Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog related to issues in special education.

My name is Melissa and I recently joined the Ontario College of Teachers upon completing my Bachelor of Education at Lakehead University. During my studies, I participated in four wonderful placements ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 8, including a grade 4/5 Alternative Gifted Program. My background in creating individualized education plans has advanced my understanding of the pillars of successful inclusion and alternative placements for students with exceptionalities. This blog was created as a course requirement for my M.Ed degree as I am pursuing graduate studies in education to further advance my knowledge and understanding of student success while cultivating expertise in a specialized area of study.

An interesting fact about me, is that I thrive on maintaining a busy work-life schedule. I have a 14-month old daughter, expecting baby #2 in January, completing a Master’s thesis program and working for the SCDSB as an Occasional Teacher simultaneously. This year is going to be busy but I am confident that the learnings from this program will benefit my professional practice immensely. Join me on this journey as I reflect on contemporary issues in special education and examine alternative approaches for positive change.


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